We were both lifeguards.
Beyond that, our lives were different. Continue reading
We were both lifeguards.
Beyond that, our lives were different. Continue reading
Today, Marsha Gruenberg Kreuzman, a Holocaust survivor, will be buried alongside her beloved Robert. Marsha spent decades telling her story and teaching others so that we will not forget the atrocities of the Sho’ah. Please read this reflection & share it — in order to honor Marsha’s memory. These reflections here include the broad outlines of Marsha’s story. The more detailed account is accessible through the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive: http://vhaonline.usc.edu/viewingPage?testimonyID=18431&returnIndex=0#. Marsha and her husband Robert recorded their testimonies as part of the visionary project created by Steven Spielberg.)
Marsha Gruenberg was born in Krakow, Poland. She was the only Jew in her class and stood out as a redhead. She was persecuted and taunted with the cries of “Jew – Jew – Jew.” Continue reading
We sit comfortably at the table tonight,
years since Emma Lazarus penned,
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”
Years since we, our parents, grandparents and the greats before them
reached “the air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame”
and arrived at the golden door
We who sit at the seder table —
we know that the homeless, tempest-tost are not wretched refuse.
We have been there —
we ourselves or those who arrived before us.
We know our story, our journey to freedom.
We hear Torah’s reminder: you were slaves in Egypt
Yet we see so many immigrants and refugees
treated as trash dumped on our shores,
not welcomed by Mother of Exiles with her beacon-hand welcoming,
but with a raised hand turning them away,
Tonight we celebrate redemption.
We celebrate the freedom to journey,
We celebrate the freedom to enter,
We celebrate the freedom to act in the world.
We lift the cup tonight, not one time, but four,
each a promise of redemption,
a commitment to freedom and safety for those who came before us.
Tonight we see ourselves as if we left Egypt.
Tonight as we hear women’s voices,
Lady Liberty’s silent lips cry out:
Where is your beacon-hand that welcomes?
How will you redeem?
Quoted sections, title & other direct references cite Emma Lazarus’ poem The New Colossus.